Plant-Based Butter Alternative with No Nuts, Soya or Dairy

The Hemp Pantry Hemp Seeds

Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, dairy free, soya free or nut free, our plant-based butter alternative is for you.

In fact, Veurre® is free from all 14 food allergens that are required by law in the UK to be highlighted on packaging. These are:

·      Cereals containing gluten e.g. wheat, rye, barley, oats

·      Crustaceans e.g. prawns, crabs, lobster, crayfish

·      Eggs

·      Fish

·      Peanuts

·      Soybeans

·      Milk (including lactose)

·      Nuts e.g. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts

·      Celery (including celeriac)

·      Mustard

·      Sesame

·      Sulphur dioxide/sulphites, where added and at a level above 10mg/kg or 10mg/L in the finished product, used as a preservative in dried fruit

·      Lupin (including lupin seeds and flour), found in types of bread, pastries and pasta

·      Molluscs e.g. mussels, whelks, oysters, snails and squid

Free From Dairy

Veurre® is a dairy-free butter substitute and contains no milk.

People with a milk allergy, or dairy allergy, who consume milk, or milk contained in dairy or other products, will have a severe allergic reaction from even the smallest amount.

This immune response usually occurs soon after the milk is consumed and can include hives, upset stomach/vomiting, wheezing, itching/tingling around lips or anaphylaxis – a life-threatening reaction that impairs breathing and can send the body into shock. Many who are allergic to cow’s milk are also allergic to milk from other animals, such as goats, sheep and buffalo.

You might also follow a dairy-free diet if you are lactose intolerant. This is different to a dairy allergy in that it doesn’t involve the immune system, it involves the digestive system. Reactions can include bloating, cramps, gas or diarrhoea.

Free From Nuts

Our vegan butter without nuts is suitable for those with an allergy to peanuts or tree nuts, for example walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazils and pistachios.

Often minutes after coming into contact with the nut, an allergy causes your body’s immune system to overact. Reactions can be severe or mild and include face swelling, hives, a feeling of tightness around the throat, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure which can lead to fainting, and anaphylaxis.

Veurre® does contain coconut oil, however coconut is a member of the palm family and only distantly related to tree nuts. It’s considered a drupe, which is a fruit.

Studies have suggested that those who are allergic to nuts can tolerate coconut, and in the UK there is no general recommendation that patients with tree nut allergy should avoid coconut.

However, if you’re not sure if you’re allergic to coconut, then it’s best to consult your GP.

Free From Soya

Soy, soybeans or soya is derived from the soya bean, which is a legume. All refer to the same thing. A soya allergy is less common in the UK when compared with milk, egg, peanut and fish allergies.

Symptoms usually occur within seconds of consuming the food and can include a rash, severe asthma, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, swelling in the skin, lips, mouth, throat or lower airway causing difficulty in swallowing and/or breathing. In severe cases it also causes anaphylactic shock.

Many people cut out soya from their diets for health reasons. It is used to bulk out processed foods including burgers, sausages and lasagne and has been said to act like an oestrogen which makes it harder to lose weight. High levels of oestrogen can cause bloating and water retention.

Whether you are allergic to soya or avoiding it for health reasons, Veurre® is a soy free vegan butter alternative ideal to add to your food shopping list.

What Does Veurre® Contain?

Veurre® is a blend of organic, allergen-free ingredients including hemp seeds, coconut oil, olive oil, cacao butter, rosemary extract and filtered water.

It is palm oil-free, minimally processed, tastes delicious and is very versatile.

If you’d like to know more about hemp, then take a look at our posts:

What is hemp?

The Sustainability of Hemp

Eating Hemp: Health Benefits and Nutritional Value