Where can I buy Veurre®?

You can buy Veurre in a number of physical stores, as well as online. Follow this link to see our list of stockists, or buy online right here.

There are no stores close to me?

Our aim is to get Veurre® out to all corners of the United Kingdom and to help us do so we would love to hear about where you are and where you shop for all your organic produce. So please Contact Us and we will do our best to get Veurre® into a store near you. Or buy online here.

Will the hemp in Veurre® get me high?

Very common question and the answer is NO it will not. The hemp seeds we use are perfectly safe for consumption and are a great source of protein and essential amino acids that are easily digestible for the body. Read more about the nutritional value of hemp here, and more about hemp here.

Where can I find the nutritional content of Veurre®?

Follow this link then select any product to discover its nutritional information including the ingredients and description.

What is the best way to store Veurre®?

Veurre® is a fresh product so must be stored in the fridge. We find that leaving it out at room temperature for a few minutes helps soften it slightly, making it easier to spread. Be sure to put it back in the fridge once you have finished though.

What other products will you be producing?

We are always hungry to develop new products and bring you new ingredients to stock in your pantry. We will keep you updated with new products via our social media pages.

Are your ingredients organic?

We only use the highest quality of ingredients at The Hemp Pantry and they are all 100% certified organic and certified by the Soil Association. Read more here.

Can you bake with Veurre®?

Our founder Matthew Atkins is a pastry chef and Veurre® is his go to ingredient, so definitely YES. Just replace dairy butter with Veurre® in any of your recipes and if you are stuck for ideas then please follow this link and check out some of our favourite recipes, we always look forward to seeing how you get on with them.

Is your packaging recyclable?

All of our packaging is 100% recyclable. You can read more here.

Are your products Vegan friendly?

We are proud to say all of our products our vegan friendly and certified by the Vegan Society.

Why is Veurre® called a margarine?

According to the law, a butter alternative that contains more than 80% fat is called a margarine. A product that contains less than 80% is called a spread. Veurre® contains 81% plant-based fat and so is considered a margarine. The fat content of Veurre® is what makes it so great for baking and cooking (most spreads have more water content and are therefore not ideal for baking and cooking). By comparison, butter has 80-82% fat.

Can I simply replace butter in recipes with Veurre® and use the same quantity?

Yes. Veurre® can be used as a direct replacement to butter and in the same quantities. However, if you are replacing other ingredients in the recipe, e.g. replacing flour for gluten-free flour, then you might need to experiment to get the perfect quantities.

How do you pronounce Veurre®?

Veurre® is a play on the French word for butter: beurre. It rhymes with the word ‘purr’.